Sunday, January 12 - USATF-NE Youth Meet #1 at Wheaton College, Norton MA
Other meets Sunday, February 23 - MetroCobras Youth Meet, Reggie Lewis Facility, Boston Some events will require 2025 USATF membership, and some have a minimum age for participation, generally age 6 on race day.
Other Youth Meets Sunday, December 17, Youth meet, The TRACK at New Balance Sunday, February 11, Sugarloaf Mountain AC Youth Meet, Smith College, Northamption MA Sunday, February 25,-MetroCobras Youth Meet, Boston ***** 2022-2023 YOUTH INDOOR TRACK & FIELD
The 2022-2023 will offer the largest ever indoor calendar for Youth in the USATF New England association. In addition to continuing youth meets at Wheaton College in January, youth will have several opportunities to compete at The TRACK at New Balance at meets hosted by USATF-NE and member clubs. Several longer established developmental meets will also continue at the Reggie Lewis Center. Some events will require 2023 USATF membership, and some will have a minimum age for participation; It is generally age 7 on race day. See the full Indoor Track & Field Calendar
USATF New Engalnd will hold youth meets at Wheaton College on Sundays, January 9 and 23, 2022, 4-8 pm. There will be a limited number of events, maximum participation numbers, and no spectators or parents will be allowed in the building. 2022 USATF membership is required. Minimum age is 7 on race day. See Event Pages for the meet schedules, Covid restrictions, and the entry process on There are very limited youth opportunities otherwise. See full Indoor Track & Field Calendar
Given restrictions on indoor activities, gathering sizes, and facility access in the New England states, no indoor meets are scheduled for winter 2021.
USATF-New England
E-mail Phone: (617) 566-7600
Youth Chair
Peter Crapsey, New England Elite